Client setup
The only prerequisites are to:
- Have the official game client, not a modified one
- Play on the official game servers
Set up your game client
There are a few mandatory parameters for using VLDBot.
You need to:
- Use the default game port: 5555 (with the MITM, 443 works too)
- Use the default game theme: darkStone
- Use the default hotkeys: F1 for ready/end turn, H for haven bag, I for inventory, Q for quests
- Disable the display of every monster in a group
- Set the fight summary window to reduced
- Have the game frame windowed and not fullscreen
UI elements
You need to avoid having UI elements in the way of clicks the bot can make, that means leaving all cells of the game grid free of any UI element.
And yes, that means any UI element. Even things such as:
- the chat and the minimap (especially the small buttons on top of them both)
- the treasure hunt frame
- the party info
- even small elements such as the buffs (with the candies for example) or the anomalies
UI Setup example
If you cannot manage to put your treasure hunt frame out of the way, try resizing your game frame by reducing its height until you can see black strips on the sides. At this point, you'll be able to put it farther on the left.