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Characters logo Characters

In the characters tab, you can manage your characters, their sets, and their parameters. As in the script tab, you can see a list of your characters on the left part of the application.

This tab is divided in three main sections:

Characters tab

Character statistics (Section 1)

In this section, you will be able to find multiple statistics about your botting sessions. Those are reset everytime you restart the application.

Most statistics are taken into account only if the bot is running, it won't update on manual actions done by the player.

Character general parameters (Section 2)

The weight percentage parameter

You can configure the weight percentage before returning to bank of your character. When this limit is reached, your character will go back to the nearest bank to deposit items according to the deposit type you selected in the general global settings.

The consumable item parameter

To set up the way your bot will heal itself, you will need to configure three different parameters:

  • In the character general parameters, you need to assign the slot in your item bar where the healing item can be found (only one will be taken into account, so it's useless, and not supported, to put multiple ones)
  • In the character set parameters, you will need to configure the HP threshold. The default is 50%, meaning that it won't ever need to heal because you always leave a fight with at least 50% HPs, even if you die.
  • In the general global settings, you can pick the missing healing item behaviour, this will determine what the bot does when it runs out of healing items and it's trying to heal itself. There are two possible options:
    • The script stops
    • The bot waits until its HPs are naturally regenerated up to the chosen threshold

Those parameters apply to the selected character and are not part of the character sets.

Warning - Special zaaps & transporters

For the bot to use the zaaps correctly, you will need to indicate if it possesses two special zaaps and the Otomai island transporters.

Character set (Section 3)

A character set contains a set of spells the AI will use in fight, as well as the fight AI parameters.

The character set

To create new character sets:

  • First, you will need to select the character you want to create a new set for.
  • Then, you need to give the set a name and press the create button (+).

You can also update a set by selecting it and making the changes you want. Or delete it by clicking the delete button on hover.

The AI fight parameters

In the AI fight parameters you will find:

  • The fight behaviour as following character and the sidekick fight behaviour (fight, pass turns and let player fight)
  • The HP threshold parameter used when healing
  • The AI thinking time: the more time you give the AI, the more optimal the actions it does will be
  • The ideal range: this defines the distance the character will prefer to keep between itself and the mobs when finishing its turns

The spells on the bar of the bot MUST be placed in the same slots as in your game bar.

Keep it simple

The fight AI of the bot is more efficient if it has few spells. So, only put useful spells in the spell bar of the bot!


Some spells are not handled yet:

  • Summons
  • Buffs
  • Bombs (Rogue)
  • Portals (Elio)
  • Flasks (Eni)
  • Poisons
  • Traps
  • Special mechanics of classes are not all handled (for example, the range change when in drunk state on the panda)

To check if a spell is handled or not by the IA, you can hover the spell. If it's not handled it will be displayed as follows : Spell not handled