On this page, you can:
- Select one or multiple characters (using the checkboxes) on which you can run a script in section 1.
- Choose a script to run on your characters in section 2.
- Change your selected characters' set (the spells your character uses) and harvestable sets (the resources your character should harvest) in section 3.
- See the execution and sniffer logs of each character in section 4.
You can create and manage your harvestable sets in the jobs tab and characters sets in the characters tab.
To run a script you can either use the button on top of section 2 or press CTRL + ENTER.
Connected characters (Section 1)
On the left of the tab, there's a character list. The characters you have already logged in to the game with the bot opened are added automatically to this list.
Characters can have five different activity states (indicated by the colored bar on the left of the character's card):
To initialize
Disconnected characters don't appear in this tab, you can only see them in the characters tab.
Script runner (Section 2)
In section two, you can find the script runner. You can pick a script there, fill in the parameters and run it using the play button on top. The script will then be started on every selected character.
You can find a detailed description of the available scripts here:
- Reach map
- Explore maps
- Explore all zaaps
- Update Metamob
- Execute treasure hunt
- Fight all dopples
- Fight in dungeon
- Follow character
Selected characters (Section 3)
Here you can find your selected characters, and choose a character set and a harvestable set which will be used when you run a script.
If you change a set of a character while a script is running, the change will be taken into account in the running script.
Logs (Section 4)
The logs section contains very useful information! These can help you figure out what's wrong or just keep track of what the bot is doing.
Execution logs
The first thing to do when the bot has stopped, and you have no idea why, is to head to the execution logs and read the error, this will probably guide you as to what went wrong.
If you read the error and have no clue what that means, you can read the common error section of the documentation or go on the Discord server to ask for help or create a ticket to report your problem (don't forget to specify the error that you have received in the logs)!
Sniffer logs
You can check the traffic between the game and the client in the sniffer logs. These should permanently get new messages if you configured you bot correctly (especially if you picked the correct network interface).
Mini script runner
Another way of running the scripts than Section 2 is using the Mini Script Runner!